Member Announcements – October 25
Announcement Date: 10.25.2024

***NEW*** The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) encourages your participation in the review of proposed changes to the 2020 National Model Codes. The proposed changes included in this public review address various topics in the National Building Code of Canada, the National Plumbing Code of Canada, the National Fire Code of Canada, and the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings. Code users and interested parties are invited to visit the CBHCC’s website, examine the proposed changes, and provide feedback. The public review runs until December 19, 2024. The review period is an opportunity for all Canadians to participate in the code development process. Members of the relevant code development committees will review the comments received and make recommendations on the proposed changes. If approved, the code changes will be included in the 2025 editions of the National Model Codes.
***NEW*** Engineers Canada is now accepting award nominations. Each year, Engineers Canada recognizes engineers and engineering students for their exceptional work in the engineering community through their awards program. The various categories highlight important contributions in engineering, engineering education, community involvement, the advancement of women in engineering and significant accomplishments in engineering. Nominations for the 2025 Engineers Canada Awards program is now open until January 17, 2025. For more information click here.
***NEW*** Save the date, WISE NL’s 2024 Annual General Meeting is scheduled Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at The Landing, (Memorial University, UC3035). Further details will be available shortly.
The Government of Canada is pleased to launch a call for proposals to develop and pilot a national-scale Coastal Communities Adaptation Toolkit under Natural Resources Canada’s Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) Program. The CRCC Program supports accelerating adaptation actions to enhance the climate resilience of communities and businesses in coastal regions across Canada.
The Toolkit aims to provide coordinated and curated access to coastal adaptation resources and tools that support informed climate-resilient decision making and actions. The deadline to apply is November 15, 2024. For more information, visit the CRCC webpage and contact to request the proposal guidelines and templates.
Courses & Events
***NEW*** Join Andrew Safer November 19th for a complementary workshop titled “Building Resilience with Mindfulness”, that will focus on developing resilience to anxiety and stress. The workshop is offered in-person and via Zoom. For further detail and to register, click here.
Engineers Canada and Polytechnique Montréal have opened registration for a tenth offering of their free online course, Sustainability in Practice. The open online course is offered in both English and French and uses real-life case studies from across Canada to demonstrate the practical application of Engineers Canada’s 10 principles of sustainable development and environmental stewardship for engineers. The course is completed entirely online and can be completed at each participant’s own pace. To learn more and register click here.
The Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division (SMFD) of the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) is mandated to promote the practice and research in classic geotechnical engineering and to provide professional development opportunities. The executive committee of SMFD is pleased to present a virtual workshop on reliability-based design and invites eight renowned speakers from the academia and industry. The workshop will cover Limit State Design theory and practice in geotechnics and structures. To learn more about this workshop and register, click here.
Women in Resource Development Corporation is offering a series of virtual workshops, which provide participants with practical and foundational knowledge for a journey towards fostering a more equitable and inclusive workspace.
Upcoming workshops include:
- Unconscious Bias (November 26)
- Allyship in the Workplace (December 3)
- Microaggressions in the Workplace (October 29 and November 28)
- Creating a Respectful Workplace (November 12 and January 21)
- Diversity, Inclusion & You (November 14 and January 23)
- Inclusive Leadership (December 5)
For further information please visit
Climate Risk Institute is offering multiple courses as part of the Infrastructure and Climate Resilience Planning Micro-credential, which is designed to develop essential knowledge and skills in climate risk assessment, adaptation strategies, and resilience planning tailored to infrastructure practitioners.
Upcoming courses:
- Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives of Climate Adaptation
- Climate Law for Infrastructure Practitioners
- Climate Change and Infrastructure Risk Assessment - the PIEVC Protocol
- Asset Management and Climate Resiliency
- Climate Change Training for Planners: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation
- Management of Climate Risk for Infrastructure Practitioners
- Applied Climate Science for Infrastructure Practitioners
To learn more about this program (or individual courses of interest) and register, click here.
We welcome you to email with any feedback you may have on this Member Announcement.
Member Announcements - October 18