Technical Examinations (Engineering)
Applicants who have not completed an accredited or recognized engineering program may be assigned technical examinations to demonstrate their academic qualifications.

For an applicant who has not completed an accredited or recognized engineering program, PEGNL, based on an assessment of the applicant’s academic credentials, may assign to the applicant either confirmatory examinations or a deficiency examination program.
Technical examinations are only available for engineering applicants. There are currently no technical examinations for geoscience applicants.
Examination Syllabi
Examinations are based on Engineers Canada’s Examination Syllabi. The Examination Syllabi include Basic Studies, Complementary Studies, and Discipline-specific Studies.
Examination Administration
Technical examinations are offered through an online platform and proctored virtually. PEGNL participates in the online examination platform and proctoring offered through Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC) in partnership with The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO).
More information on the examinations is available here.
Examination Registration
Candidates must register for examinations through PEGNL HERE. The candidate must indicate which exam(s) they wish to write. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure they are selecting the correct exams.
All candidates must review EGBC’s Candidate Guide for Online Examinations prior to registering. This guide includes important information on the examinations and booking process.
Registered candidates will receive an email from PEGNL with further instructions on the exam and how to confirm their booking, including booking their examination timeslot with eProctor.
Upcoming Examination Schedule (Subject to Change)
The following schedule is based on the most recent information PEGNL has received and is subject to change. It is strongly recommended that candidates check EGBC’s examination page regularly for updates.
Fall/Winter 2024 Sitting
Registration Deadline with PEGNL July 29, 2024
Exam Schedule Released August 23, 2024
eProctor Canada Account Creation Deadline September 6, 2024
Examination Sitting October 1 - December 17, 2024
Spring/Summer 2025 Sitting
Registration Deadline with PEGNL January 31, 2025
Exam Schedule Released TBD
eProctor Canada Booking Window TBD
Examination Sitting TBD
Academic Qualifications
Practice Standards & Guidelines
PEGNL publishes practice standards and guidelines for the purpose of educating its license holders and the public about matters of professional practice.
Practice Guideline for Authenticating Professional Documents
This Guideline describes how and when a professional member’s stamp and a permit holder’s stamp shall be used for authenticating professional documents.
Guideline for Permit Holders and Companies Employing Engineers and Geoscientists
This Guideline specifies when a permit to practice is required. It also outlines the requirements of organizations operating under a permit to practice and the expectations of non-permit holding companies that employ engineers and/or geoscientists.
Guideline for Areas of Practice Spanning Engineering and Geoscience
This Guideline explores the potential areas of overlap between geotechnical or geological engineering and engineering geology. It provides guidance for both professions working in this space, emphasizing the need for collaboration from both professions in certain situations to ensure that the primary mandate of public protection is met.