PEGNL is mandated to regulate the engineering and geoscience professions in the public interest, as promulgated in the Engineers & Geoscientists Act 2008 of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL) —is mandated to regulate the engineering and geoscience professions in the public interest, as promulgated in the Engineers & Geoscientists Act 2008 of Newfoundland and Labrador. PEGNL has approximately 5,000 members and is accountable to the public through the provincial Department of Digital Government & Service NL.
Our members work in diverse industries, contributing significantly to Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic success and enhancing the quality-of-life in NL.
The main regulatory functions of PEGNL are threefold:
- Licensing individuals and companies that want to practise engineering and geoscience in NL. Applicants and companies that meet PEGNL’s standards for ethical, professional, and technical competency earn the right to practise and use reserved titles and designations.
- Ensuring that only licensed individuals and companies practice the professions and use restricted titles, and
- Disciplining licensed individuals and companies for conduct deserving of sanction.
In addition, PEGNL issues guidelines, and supports members and permit holders in their professional practice.
PEGNL professionals and permit holders—companies and other organizations that practise engineering, geoscience, or both—have a shared commitment to public safety and well-being through the self-regulation of the professions. Serving the public interest is our privilege and our responsibility.
PEGNL also takes part in the national conversation on engineering and geoscience issues through our involvement with Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada.
Competent and ethical engineers and geoscientists safeguarding a better future for the people, environment and economy of Newfoundland and Labrador.
PEGNL is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors whose Ends (goals) address the licensed, competent, and ethical practice of engineering and geoscience, and public confidence in these professions.
The Board is governed by a set of policies in accordance with the Policy Governance Model®.
One component of those policies, the Ends, directs the organization’s activities with the goals of providing licensed, competent and ethical practitioners of engineering and geoscience who practice in the public interest, and keeping the public and governments informed of issues relating to the practice of the professions, as well as recourse mechanisms for those license holders who do not conduct themselves in an ethical and competent manner.
The PEGNL Board consists of elected professional members and appointed government members who determine the strategic direction of the organization. This direction is implemented by the CEO & Registrar, who is responsible for the operation of the organization.
PEGNL also has Board and CEO committees that assist Board and staff on strategic and operational matters. Almost 200 members volunteer in support of PEGNL activities by working on committees and for the organization.
In all Canadian provinces and territories, engineers must be licensed to practice, and all but Yukon and PEI require licensure of geoscientists.
Professional Engineers use the designation P. Eng. (ing. in Quebec) and Professional Geoscientists use P. Geo. (geo. in Quebec).
Practice Standards & Guidelines
PEGNL publishes practice standards and guidelines for the purpose of educating its license holders and the public about matters of professional practice.
Practice Guideline for Authenticating Professional Documents
This Guideline describes how and when a professional member’s stamp and a permit holder’s stamp shall be used for authenticating professional documents.
Guideline for Permit Holders and Companies Employing Engineers and Geoscientists
This Guideline specifies when a permit to practice is required. It also outlines the requirements of organizations operating under a permit to practice and the expectations of non-permit holding companies that employ engineers and/or geoscientists.
Guideline for Areas of Practice Spanning Engineering and Geoscience
This Guideline explores the potential areas of overlap between geotechnical or geological engineering and engineering geology. It provides guidance for both professions working in this space, emphasizing the need for collaboration from both professions in certain situations to ensure that the primary mandate of public protection is met.