Member Announcements – September1
Announcement Date: 09.01.2023

PEGNL is launching a pilot e-mentoring program for Members-In-Training (MIT) for those requiring support as they work towards professional licensure. As an emerging E.I.T. and/or G.I.T. you’ll receive support on competency development, planning your future career and pathway to licensure.
Apply to be a part of the program today!
Or if you’d like to be a mentor, learn more and apply here.
***NEW*** Climate Risk Institute (CRI) has professional development training in climate change risk, resilience and
adaptation for infrastructure practitioners and professionals. Infrastructure professionals and Engineers
can choose from a selection of courses or pursue the Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP)
credential by taking a series of six courses. All 6 IRP courses are open for registration for training starting
this fall.
CRI’s associates and instructors are leaders in their fields, and the online learning environment blends self
-paced learning with live sessions with instructors and peers. Visit CRI’s website for information on
courses and upcoming dates or the Royal Roads Professional and Continuing Studies site to register.
Explore the CLIMAtlantic Adaptation Library, a collection of publicly accessible and searchable climate adaptation
documents, tools, and products.
Fantastic finds: Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador. Learn more about the histories hidden underground
and at the bottom of the ocean.
Funding Available for Professional Development Training
The Canada-NL Job Grant provides significant tuition assistance to eligible businesses and organizations to help offset the cost of training for their current and future employees. If you are a private sector employ-er, not-for-profit organization, Indigenous government or organization, incorporated or a sole proprietor, you may be eligible. Gardiner Centre is an approved training provider with the Canada-NL Job Grant. For more details on the Canada-NL Job Grant, please click here.
Events & Sessions
***NEW*** The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) are hosting a webinar on ‘Changes in the Work.’ The webinar will include an overview of the change process in CCDC contracts, a comparative analysis of a change order and a change directive, the different methods for pricing and evaluating changes, and best practices on managing the change process. To learn more or to register click here.
***NEW*** Phil Helwig, P. Eng. (Retired) is hosting a webinar series on problems related to ice within Civil
Engineering. This webinar series will provide an introduction to the subject with necessary theory plus
practical applications. Detailed notes will also be provided. Part 1 of the series will be held on September
28 and Part 2 will be held on October 5, from 11:30am to 1:00pm EST. For more information click here.
***NEW*** The Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association is hosting its 28th Annual Conference and
Trade Show at the Delta Hotel, St. John’s, NL on September 5-7, 2023. This event is full of exciting and
informative discussions related to aquaculture and its potential in our province, with world class
keynote speakers and guests, sessions and panel discussions related to aquaculture innovation,
technology, human resources and consumer trends. For more information visit
***NEW*** Are you looking for funding to apply your geoscience skills to help communities in need and make the
world safer? Geoscientists without Borders (GWB) is now accepting applications for funding. To learn
more click here.
***NEW*** Energy NL is presently hosting a number of events through September and October, covering topics such
as an Atlantic Canadian Delegation to Offshore Europe (OE), and an Atlantic Canada Trade Mission to
Guyana. To learn more or to register click here.
***NEW*** Unlocking the potential of GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) for subsurface characterization by using full-waveform inversion. Virtual Webinar, Tuesday September 12, 2023. Learn more here.
We welcome you to email with any feedback you may have on this Member Announcement.
Member Announcements - August 17