Member Announcements – December 6

Announcement Date: 12.06.2024

Member Announcements – December 6


***NEW*** Today marks 35 years since the tragic massacre of 14 women because of their gender at École Polytechnique de Montréal. A silent vigil is being held today at Memorial University to commemorate the 14 women from 10am to 2pm, in the main lobby of the Engineering building on the St. John’s campus and in the lobby of the Marine Institute’s Ridge Road campus. The anniversary of this tragedy coincides with the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women established in 1991 by the Parliament of Canada. For further information please visit

***NEW*** Register to become an expert reviewer of Canada’s Changing Climate Report. Canada’s Changing Climate Report is a scientific assessment that examines how Canada’s climate has changed, the causes behind these changes, and projected future changes. The Climate Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada is leading the development of this assessment in collaboration with numerous experts. The updated report will contribute to the Canada in a Changing Climate: National Assessment Process, led by Natural Resources Canada. This will be the second report of its kind, following the release of the first Canada’s Changing Climate Report in April 2019. The second edition focuses on changes in the physical climate system that have wide-ranging implications for both natural and human systems in Canada. Topics covered in the report include changes in temperature, precipitation, snow, ice, permafrost, freshwater availability, and oceans surrounding Canada, as well as a newly dedicated chapter on changes in extremes. Rigorous review is an essential part of a robust science assessment process. 

To ensure the next iteration of Canada’s Changing Climate Report provides a comprehensive assessment of past and future changes to the physical climate system in Canada, experts are being invited to review the report’s chapters. Reviewers will be invited to provide both general and detailed line-by-line comments. The review process will take place from January 13 to February 14, 2025 (five weeks). 

If you’re interested in being a reviewer, you can self-nominate to participate in the external review of the report here: Self-nomination is open until December 20th, 2025.

***NEW*** Engineers Canada is accepting award nominations. Each year, Engineers Canada recognizes engineers and engineering students for their exceptional work in the engineering community through their awards program. The various categories highlight important contributions in engineering,  engineering education, community involvement, the advancement of women in engineering and significant accomplishments in engineering. Nominations for the 2024 Engineers Canada Awards program is now open until January 17, 2025. For more information visit

Reminder: Annual Renewal for PEGNL license holders is open. Members can log in to PEGNL’s online member portal ( and complete their annual renewal for 2024. All PEGNL members are eligible to participate in various plans through Engineers Canada, these include insurance, financial and other benefits. For more information click here.

The new User’s Guide – National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2020 is now available. The guide provides practical guidance, examples and calculations to help users understand provisions in the NECB 2020The guide is available for free, in electronic format, through the National Research Council of Canada’s (NRC’s) Publications Archive, and for purchase in printed format from the NRC’s Virtual StoreThe guide is a useful reference for anyone involved in building design, construction or regulation. It provides valuable insights into the NECB’s provisions and offers practical examples to help users navigate energy-efficient design. The guide is particularly useful for educators and trainers working with students as well as professionals. We encourage you to share this with your network. This is the first in a series of user’s guides that will be released soon.

PEGNL is looking for experienced professionals to help review the experience of those applying for licensure by serving as Volunteer Assessors in the Competency Based Assessment (CBA) frameworkWhile all areas of expertise are welcome, we are looking for additional assessors with experience in the following areas: mechanical engineering, process engineering, geology, and geophysics. If you have been licensed for at least 5 years and are interested in learning more about becoming an assessor, please apply on our website.

Memorial University, Faculty of Medicine is recruiting volunteers to take part in Medical School Interviews for 2025. Without volunteer involvement and commitment, the Faculty would be unable to complete a vital component in the evaluation of medical school applications that is necessary to determine the next class of matriculants at Memorial University’s medical school. Interviews for medical school applicants will be taking place virtually on Saturday, February 1st and Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 (volunteers select one day). To volunteer click here and for more information contact Marlena at

        Courses & Events 

***NEW*** The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science of Memorial University is hosting a webinar this Sunday, December 8, 2024 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm designed for student in grades 9 to 12 to learn about the engineering program at Memorial University. For more information and to register, visit Webinar - What is Engineering?.

***NEW*** Climate Risk Institute offers training and professional development courses that will be of interest for engineers involved in the planning, procurement, design, operation, maintenance, management or regulation of infrastructure and who need to consider climate risk, resilience and the changing climate in carrying out these activities.

In 2025, extend your learning with a number of course offerings, including a new climate adaptation course for Planners, and an infrastructure resilience micro-credentialling opportunity. For further course details and to register, please see CRI's courses at Royal Roads University.

Professional Development course - within the PEGNL PD Portal a new regulatory learning module has been added 'Duty to Report'. This module is designed to guide engineers, geoscientists, and their firms through the critical professional and ethical responsibilities surrounding the reporting of conduct and behavior in their fields. 

The Rick Hansen Foundation (RHF) offers three professional development courses, which qualify under the Ethical Practice Learning category of our CPD program. These courses are titled RHF's Inclusion & Accessibility training, RHFAC Fundamentals and RHFAC Professional course. For more information, click here.

Free Professional Development courses: The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) launched the WFEO Academy in March 2022, with UNESCO and its partners, to provide training for engineering educators and assessors of engineering education programs for accreditation purposes and for the professional development of qualified engineers, to support their continuous professional development and requirements for registration. Two new courses have been added to the platform. To learn more click here.

Women in Resource Development Corporation is offering a series of virtual workshops, which provide participants with practical and foundational knowledge for a journey towards fostering a more equitable and inclusive workspace.

Upcoming workshops include:

  • Creating a Respectful Workplace (January 21)
  • Diversity, Inclusion & You (January 23)

For further information please visit


We welcome you to email with any feedback you may have on this Member Announcement.