Member Announcements – February 27

Announcement Date: 02.27.2025

Member Announcements – February 27


***NEW*** Reminder: Call for Nominations - 2025 PEGNL Board of Directors
The PEGNL Board is responsible for building and shaping policy in relation to the regulation of the professions of engineering and geoscience. This year, we are seeking nominations for three positions on the Board, Chair-Elect (one) and Director (two). One of the Director positions this year is reserved for a Professional Geoscientist in accordance with By-Law. These three positions will serve three-year terms.
Nominations are open until March 13.

WISE NL Professional Mentorship Network. WISE NL is looking for participants for their mentorship program, which will run from March 2025 to December 2025. This program is intended to connect women and marginalized genders with professionals to provide support and advice to guide their education and careers. Participants must work or study in the field of science, geoscience or engineering (or have done so in the past). The deadline to apply is February 28, 2025. To apply, fill out the following sign-up form here.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to our Director of Mentorship, Erin Burt (

Memorial University's Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science is hosting its annual Open House Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the S. J. Carew building. Join them and meet students, staff and the Faculty. Check out the Memorial Engineering Outreach station in EN2007 to see exciting robots, 3D printing, design challenges and more. Free parking will be available in lot 22. Click here for more details and updates.

The Office of the City Clerk is accepting applications for two volunteers for Environmental and Sustainability Experts Panel membership. This Panel provides City Council with expertise, opinion, and perspective about environmental and sustainability matters, including the City of St. John’s energy intensity, greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation, resilience, energy poverty, and environment. Additionally, the Panel is responsible for assisting in the progress of environmental and sustainability matters in the City of St. John’s. This City of St. John's is committed to equal opportunity and diversity.

Experts Panel member roles, responsibilities, and length of term are set according to the Panel’s Terms of Reference, which can be found on the City’s website.

The deadline for submission of applications is Sunday, March 2, 2025. To apply, fill out the following online application form.

WaterPower Canada (WPC) announces Dragon’s Dam Student Competition.  WPC invites students in Canadian Engineering programs to showcase their creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities.  The Dragon’s Dam competition invites students to submit solutions to real-world challenges related to hydropower.  Short-listed teams will be invited to present their solutions at WPC’s national conference in Ottawa, and will compete for prizes, including a $5,000 grand prize.  Team registration runs until February 28, 2025.  For further details click here.

        Courses & Events 

***NEW*** Engineers Nova Scotia is offering a professional development webinar titled 'Public Speaking for Engineers'. This session is designed specifically for professional engineers who want to sharpen their public speaking skills and deliver their technical knowledge with confidence and clarity, ensuring their expertise resonates with diverse audiences. The webinar is scheduled March 12, 2025, for more information, click here.

***NEW*** J. Adam Donald is presenting a lecture 'Insightful Geomechanical Measurements for Converting Existing Hydrocarbon Reservoirs to Carbon Storage' on March 5, 2025 at Co. Innovation Centre, 710 Torbay Rd (Suite A), St. John's. For more information and to register, click here.

***NEW*** The Canadian Geotechnical Society is celebrating International Women's Day on March 18, 2025, by welcoming Megan van Veen of BGC Engineering Inc. to present a one-hour webinar titled 'The importance of mentoring and allyship in developing our geo-professional workforce'. For more information and to register, click here.

This International Women’s Day, Thursday, March 6, 2025, join Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, for a free 60-minute International Women’s Day webinar, where industry experts will break down the vital link between women’s health, business success and economic growth. To register click here.

CBCL in partnership with APEGNB is presenting a webinar March 7, 2025, titled Leading through Emergencies. Nancy Mackay and Vicki Campbell will share how they led their teams through major infrastructure emergencies - coping under pressure, making critical decisions, and managing complex challenges. They'll also reflect on their career journeys, what motivated them, and key lessons learned along the way. Gain practical insights on crisis leadership and the personal growth that comes from facing adversity head-on. To register click here.

PVC Pipe Association (PVCPA) is hosting a series of educational webinars from March to May 2025. These webinars offer educational and informative workshops to support the use of PVC piping in water and wastewater systems. Webinars include examples of how PVC pipe has benefited utilities across North America. For further information, click here.

The 2025 Atlantic Engineering Hockey Tournament (AEHT) will be held in Saint John, NB on April 11th-12th, 2025. The annual hockey tournament has been held at various locations throughout the Atlantic Provinces over the past 31 years. For further information please click here. Deadline for team registration is March 21, 2025, first eighteen teams to register are eligible to play.

WinSETT's Career AccelerateHER: Unlocking Effective Communication 5 part series designed for SETT professionals who are looking to upskill their communication and collaboration strategies, begins February 28, 2025. For further information and to register click here.

Join Engineers Canada at the 2025 30 by 30 Conference: Solutions and accountability towards an inclusive engineering profession, in Vancouver, BC, On May 21, 2025. The 2025 30 by 30 Conference will bring together leaders from engineering regulation, employers, and education to address how they have removed and will remove barriers within their control and influence, collaborate on innovative solutions, and promote accountability for fostering the success of women and marginalized groups in the profession. Learn more and register here.

Climate Risk Institute’s credentials address the vital link between climate change and infrastructure and provide a customizable learning experience for infrastructure practitioners to build the knowledge and skills that will contribute to a more resilient future. 

The Infrastructure Resilience Professional Credential and the Infrastructure and Climate Resilience Planning Micro-Credential are designed to equip all infrastructure practitioners with the expertise required to tackle climate change challenges. Over a series of courses led by industry experts, you will have the opportunity to enhance your skills in climate risk assessment, policy development, communication, climate science, planning and implementation, and resilient design. Choose from several electives to tailor your learning to your areas of interest and focus. The Micro-credential is ideal for a diverse range of infrastructure professionals of all backgrounds and professions, including planners, engineering technicians, architects, asset managers, and others involved in climate risk assessment, adaptation planning, and management. 

Winter 2025 courses.


We welcome you to email with any feedback you may have on this Member Announcement.