Member Announcements – Jan 19
Announcement Date: 01.19.2023

***NEW*** Publication Release Notification - by The Geological Survey Division, Department of Industry, Energy and Technology, Government of NL. Open File 001M/0998, Satellite Alteration Mapping and Ground Follow-up Short Wavelength Infrared Studies of the Long Harbour Group, Avalon Zone (NTS Map Areas 1M/10 and 11), Newfoundland. The data will be released 10 AM, January 24, 2023.
This open file contains the results of a pilot study utilizing WorldView-3 satellite data to evaluate the alteration mineralogy of a portion of the Long Harbour Group, within the Avalon Zone (NTS map areas 1M/10 and 11) of Newfoundland, which is, locally, host to both high- and low-sulphidation-style epithermal mineralization.
Leadership Opportunity: Engineers and Geoscientist BC (EGBC) are looking for a new Director of Professional Practice, Standards & Development. EGBC regulates and governs the engineering and geoscience professions in the province of British Columbia under the Professional Governance Act. Learn more about this opportunity HERE.
Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation (CEMF) Engineering Ambassador Award for Graduate Students, Application Deadline Jan. 20th
Two women in the graduate engineering program will be selected to act as Ambassadors for the engineering profession and serve as role models for other young women.
PEGNL is looking for experienced professionals to help us review the experience of those applying for licensure by serving as Volunteer Assessors in the Competency Based Assessment (CBA) framework. While all areas of expertise are welcome, we are looking for additional assessors with experience in the following areas: mining engineering, process engineering, electrical/computer engineering, geology, and geophysics.
If you have been licensed for at least 5 years and are interested in learning more about becoming an assessor, please apply on our website.
Women of STAC Bursary Fund, 2023 Application Period now open.
Awarded each year to select women, the Bursary Fund, provides financial support to enable the pursuit of training, professional development, and/or academic programs for women in the telecommunications field
Building for the Future Challenge:
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is looking for ways to make it easier to build houses that are affordable, climate compatible. If you have any ideas on innovative construction processes, techniques, systems and materials, submit your ideas for the Housing Supply Challenge - Building for the Future: Innovative Construction for Housing Affordability. Join the information session on Jan. 19th, if you have further questions.
PEGNL members are being offered free access to an online course. The 10-hr Practical Geo-Communication course provides valuable communication tips and strategies for members of both professions. Log onto the member portal, then click Events in the blue bar to find more details and to register for the course.
Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia is offering a 1-hour course on EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion). This course is free to all engineers and geoscientists across Canada on the EGBC Knowledge Centre. Create a new account before completing the checkout process. Then take part in the course.
Climate Risk Institute is offering multiple courses as part of the Infrastructure Resilience Professional credential, which will be of interest to professionals who are involved in the planning, design, and management of infrastructure.
Upcoming courses:
- Climate Smart Policy and Procurement. Register before Jan 23
- Climate Law for Infrastructure Practitioners. Register before Jan 27
- Climate Change and Infrastructure Risk—the PIEVC Protocol. Register before Feb 13
Project Management for Beginners: is a free introductory course by Project Management Institute (PMI), which provides the foundational knowledge necessary to join a project team and can serve as the first step on your path to a project management career.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety free awareness courses educate on a variety of topics including mental health and workplace wellness, ergonomics, nanotechnology and much more. To learn more and register, click HERE.
The Basics of Scrum a free introductory course by Project Management Institute (PMI), which provides the foundations of Scrum and Discipline Agile Project Management, equipping you with tools to begin implementing Disciplined Agile and Scrum in your own practices and launching you on your path to earning a Disciplined Agile Scrum Master (DASM) Certification.
Events & Sessions
Policy Implementation and Evaluation Masterclass is designed for all those working in policy environments, notably focusing on the later stages of delivery and evaluation. Participants will improve their understanding of the policy cycle, project management techniques and evaluation methodologies, ability to communicate and influence the policy process, crucial for those working in governance and other key stakeholders. Learn more and register by Jan 20, 2023.
Resilience through Mindfulness Training program beginning January 24, focuses on developing mindfulness-based skills that can help build Resilience. Learn more about the program and registration.
2023 Hydropower Conference, Registration Deadline, Feb 3rd
CEATI International’s Hydropower Conference will focus on the opportunities and challenges that utilities are facing, with specific focus on retrofitting dams for extended life, extreme events and increased need for flexibility, and opportunities for power plant modernization.
Leading with Trust: Developing a high-performance team based on trust, Feb. 7th
Building a high-trust environment in the workplace provides employees with a culture of honesty and psychological safety to perform at their best. This webinar will help leaders build trust among their teams that will enhance collaboration, teamwork and overall productivity.
Hydrocarbon, Brine Production, CO2 Storage: Calculating In-Place Reservoir Volumes Webinar will cover traditional method and geomodelling method of reservoirs, showing the strengths and weaknesses of each, and fundamentally showing how they relate to each other. Register before Feb 14.
We welcome you to email with any feedback you may have on this Member Announcement.
Member Announcements - Jan 13