Limited Licensure Applicants

A limited licensee is a member of PEGNL who has the right to independently practice engineering or geoscience in a defined individualized scope of practice.

Limited Licensure Applicants

A limited licensee is a professional member of PEGNL who has the right to independently practice engineering or geoscience within a defined individualized scope of practice authorized by PEGNL. There are two categories of limited licensure: limited licensee – engineering (Eng. L.) and limited licensee – geoscience (Geo. L.). 

To be eligible for registration as a limited licensee, an applicant shall, in addition to any other requirements of the Act, 2008, the Regulations, 2011, and the By-Laws, meet the specified requirements for:

Academic Qualifications

Applicants, through academic training, should have an adequate knowledge in mathematics, physics, and basic sciences. An applicant's program of study must have been in an area related to engineering or geoscience and should be in the same area as that of the limited scope of practice being requested.

Acceptable academic qualifications for limited license include:

  • Diploma in engineering or geoscience technology from an institution deemed acceptable
  • Science degree in an acceptable discipline from a university deemed acceptable
  • Other academic qualifications deemed acceptable

A limited license applicant may be assigned confirmatory examinations in a related discipline area to demonstrate existing knowledge.

Experience Qualifications

Applicants must have a minimum of 8 years of acceptable engineering or geoscience work experience. The Components of Acceptable Engineering and Geoscience Work Experience are outlined HERE.

An applicant must complete a standard PEGNL Work Experience Report. A separate form is required for each position. Instructions are available HERE.

Engineering Work Experience Report

Geoscience Work Experience Report 

Scope of Practice

Limited licensees have the right to independently practice engineering or geoscience within a defined individualized scope of practice approved by PEGNL.

The defined scope must be within a recognized engineering or geoscience discipline. The scope of practice cannot be so broad as to cover all aspects of practice within a primary discipline. The applicant’s academic and experience qualifications must align with the scope being requested.

An applicant must complete a Scope of Practice Form. This form includes samples of scopes of practice.

Current limited license holders may request an expansion of their limited scope of practice HERE.

Permit Requirement

In order to offer engineering or geoscience services to the public (i.e. outside their organization), a permit to practice is required. Applicants are advised to review the permit to practice requirements to determine if their organization requires a permit to practice.

Limited licensees are eligible to be a Member in Responsible Charge on a Permit to Practice. Within the permit where the limited licensee is in responsible charge, the specific area of responsible charge will be the limited scope of the limited licensee.


Application Form: Download the Form

In addition to a completed application form, an applicant must supply:


Practice Standards & Guidelines

PEGNL publishes practice standards and guidelines for the purpose of educating its license holders and the public about matters of professional practice.

Practice Guideline for Authenticating Professional Documents

This Guideline describes how and when a professional member’s stamp and a permit holder’s stamp shall be used for authenticating professional documents.


Guideline for Permit Holders and Companies Employing Engineers and Geoscientists

This Guideline specifies when a permit to practice is required. It also outlines the requirements of organizations operating under a permit to practice and the expectations of non-permit holding companies that employ engineers and/or geoscientists.


Guideline for Areas of Practice Spanning Engineering and Geoscience

This Guideline explores the potential areas of overlap between geotechnical or geological engineering and engineering geology. It provides guidance for both professions working in this space, emphasizing the need for collaboration from both professions in certain situations to ensure that the primary mandate of public protection is met.


Member-in-Training Applicants

Members-in-Training (Engineer-in-Training or Geoscientist-in-Training) meet the academic requirements for registration but have not yet fulfilled other requirements for registration.

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Professional Licensure Applicants

Professional licensure is granted to any applicant who meets the requirements for registration. There are two categories of professional licensure: (P. Eng.) and (P. Geo.).

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Professional Licensure Transfer Applicants

Professional engineers or geoscientists who are licensed and in good standing in another province or territory in Canada can transfer their registration to PEGNL.

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Limited Licensure Applicants

A limited licensee is a member of PEGNL who has the right to independently practice engineering or geoscience within a defined individualized scope of practice.

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Permit to Practice Applicants

Section 8(2) of the Act, 2008 requires that any entity that provides the services of a professional member to the public must have a Permit to Practice.

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announcements & events



Member Announcements – December 13

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – December 6

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – November 29

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – November 22

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – November 15

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – November 8

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – November 1

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – October 25

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – October 18

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Member Announcements – October 11

Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.