Member Announcements – July 21
Announcement Date: 07.21.2023

***NEW*** PEGNL is launching a Pilot MIT e-mentoring program to foster a welcoming community for future professionals (members-in-training). As an experienced professional in engineering and/or geoscience, you’ll support the competent development of members-in-training and help them envision, and take steps toward, their future career and licensure.
Are you interested in becoming a mentor and learning more?
Join us July 26 at 12pm for a high-level info session on the mentorship program and CBA (Competency Based Assessment) by the Director of Registration, Heather Appleby.
Please note this event is aimed at potential mentors only! Please stay tuned for updates for mentees.
***NEW*** PEGNL is looking for experienced professionals to help us review the experience of those applying for licensure by serving as Volunteer Assessors in the Competency Based Assessment (CBA) framework. We are looking for additional assessors with experience in the following areas: mining engineering, process engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, geology, and geophysics. If you have been licensed for at least 5 years and are interested, please apply on our website.
Notarius is presently running a limited time rebate on the digital signature subscription fees now until August 31st. More than 50,000 professionals currently use a digital signature in Canada. Digital identities are changing industries and are allowing professionals to digitally transform. To learn more click here.
Gardiner Centre welcomes opportunities to work with members of Newfoundland and Labrador industry and professional associations. Its flexible training opportunities delivered both in person and live online mean learning that suits any schedule and location. In addition to the Open-Enrollment below, all of its courses and programs can be delivered in a customized offering for your organization.
To see the topics open for registration please click here.
Claridec is offering a Masterclass in Decision Clarity. The course will be held virtually on November 7-8, 2023, from 6:30am—10:30am NL time. Price is $1350 CAD, with an early bird price of $1080 CAD being offered until October 10th. The course covers proven techniques for decision making under uncertainty and risk that are embraced by leading organizations in the natural resources sectors and in other sectors such as technology, pharmaceuticals, and government laboratories. To learn more click here.
Events & Sessions
Engineers Canada invites all PEGNL members to participate in a research study being undertaken for the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). The aim of this study is to better understand where professionals in Canada stand in terms of learning and applying climate change adaptation knowledge and skills in their practice, identify gaps, monitor trends over time and inform climate change adaptation programming. The results of this research will also be shared with Engineers Canada. To participate in this research project, please click here.
The 73rd Annual Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Conference (CSChE 2023) will be held in Calgary, Alberta, from October 29 to November 1, 2023. The conference theme is: “Transitions: Materials, Energy, and the Environment”. The conference will feature approximately 600 presentations in 9 major themes and 10 symposia on a wide range of topics related chemical/process engineering and other related engineering fields & specializations, as well as a rich student program, plenary talks by eminent speakers, professional development workshops, and a graduate student/career fair. To learn more click here.
Gary Kennedy, P. Eng., PMP, c/o Linear Project Services Inc (LPS), is pleased to share with PEGNL Members these three complimentary recorded Project Management Webinars (60 minutes each video).
1. “PMCHANGE MANAGEMENT & CONTROL” (60 min) Presented in March 2023 for the NL Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI).
2. (NEW) “PM METHODS EXAMPLES – TEAM ALIGNMENT” (60 min) Generic for Various Capex Industry Sec-tors.
3. “PM METHODOLOGY EXAMPLES for TEAM ALIGNMENT” (60 min) Presented November 2020 for OceansAdvance, St. John’s, NL (Vid Updated 2023). Similar to above Video #2, but with added Marine items.
Find all three (3) free videos at the top of this page:
We welcome you to email with any feedback you may have on this Member Announcement.
Member Announcements - July 14