
You can download and review all reports related to PEGNL, except annual reports and surveys, from this page.


Report on the Open Web Steel Joist Remediation Program

Report on the Open Web Steel Joist Remediation Program for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador VOLUME 1 - REPORT, March 2003, Updated May 2005


Open Web Steel Joist Updated Information

Robb Engineering OWSJ's Updated Information, November 2006


Engineers Canada Paper on Professional Practice in Software Engineering

This document provides information and guidance regarding the discipline of software engineering.


    announcements & events



    Member Announcements – July 19

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – June 26

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – June 19

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – June 3

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – May 16

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – May 2

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – April 18

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – April 4

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – March 28

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.


    Member Announcements – March 21

    Our Member Announcements inform our license holders on PD opportunities, PEGNL, Industry and other general interest sessions which will improve and enhance the lives and careers of engineers and geoscientists in Newfoundland and Labrador.